Thursday, June 22, 2006

just for fun.

had to let all in on this though the credit goes to karengata and one Nick russel. just enjoy.

Oh pity the plight of poor Nick Russell
His finger’s stuck to his love-muscle.
It came about, as these things do,
By carelessness with SuperGlue.

While trying to fix the kitchen sink
He took a leak; he didn’t think
Some misanthropic drop would linger
And so attach his index finger.

But there it was, quite firmly stuck to.
“What a piece of rotten luck to
Bare for all the world to ogle
My self-adhesived Willie-Woggle”.

The doctors gave no hope of ease.
In fact, they all began to tease
Poor Nick and asked him with a giggle
To hold it still and not to wiggle
While they examined it at length
Then held him down with all their strength
And tugged and pulled and reached decision
- Perform a total circumcision.

“No time to lose, no time to linger.
What’s it to be - your friend or finger?”
They cried, and in unhidden glee
Prepared the limbs for surgery.

“Oh no,” cried Nick, extremely worried,
And from the surgery he scurried,
“I will not lose my digit and
I’ll keep my thingy in my hand.”

So if one day you should by chance
Meet Nick with one hand in his pants,
The lesson’s clear; whate’er you do,
Don’t piss around with SuperGlue.

Copyright Nick Russell, Nairobi, June 2005

1 comment:

Spidey/Tato said...

just for fun? at my expense wewe na shiroh are cruising for a bruising

LOL that was funny :->