Wednesday, May 17, 2006

WHAT THE HELL IS............

Even before i start on this i know i am trending on rather slippery grounds but what the heck!.

Finnally good old( really) one wife of ngilu has done it again (what?
) Shes become passionate which is her only mistake in politics see she does not think her constiunts have smokers neither does she think that those kenyans she would want to veote her in as president are inclusve of smokers.
Ati she wants smoking to be put on hold in public places! where are you really in some private place? guess we are to start seeing billows of smoke emanating from the so called private places and eventually get to private skies and so on.
you may have realized by now that i am a smoker not by default but by choice what the heck each one of us have one or more negative habits that make us fall under the defination of men and women. My smoking or lack of does not make me healthy you docs out there let me know if you are all treating smokers and no other cases are ever brought to you.
this one as many of the current gova's policies laws and so on comes as a cropper from the word go. cant wait to be produced in court with some cigarrette stub as evidence of having been smoking in public.
what if i smoke dont come near me ihave no responsibility regarding you keep your distance and we assume that the fire in your shags does emit no smoke.
ati we dont smoke in public places rubbish which is the public place/ shame on you that the only amenity you can classify as a public place is your local bus stage cause honestly where else would you be in public for the sake of being in public.
the economics behind this stink where will the same gava get the short fall of revenue from this action.
my human rights are also being violated namely the right to make my choice in what i partake after all if i were to chew the tobacco or get wrapped in it is my choice but for now i smoke it.
w cant even enforce the laws on the alcoblow thing what makes them think this will succeed?
WTF let them try us we are eagerly waiting for the deadline so that we can start counting the deadline to the directives demise.
ati smoking kills so do cars, food, sex, drugs,alcohol,cold,water,sun,ropes,fire,and basically almost everything so every thing we get should have the caption that "THIS BURGER MAY KILL YOU!"The gava's vehicles should have this sticker"THIS VEHICLE MAY KILL YOU' what the heck lets all have labels that say "THIS HUSBAND/WIFE MAY KILL YOU" REALLY EVERYTHING CAN KILL


jamaapoa said...

i actually get disturbed whenever i walk behind a smoker-have to increase speed to overtake him, or the driver of a mat decides to light up, or a passenger, or in workplaces i have been where staff can smoke. so i am in support of the bill even if i am sure it may not see the light of day like other attempts.

however she should have left out the pubs but restaurants is a good idea.

Uaridi said...

I am a smoker but I believe there are more things that need attention rather than smoking. For instance, malaria, TB, HIV/Aids. Our government should stop being trendy and do what is urgently needed to help us out of this grinding poverty.

Amkeni wakenya! said...

jp thanks for stopping by. Yeah Iagree with you the enfrcement of this law is not possible, But common sense dictates that if whoever is around me flowns at smoking in a 'respectable' way i wont smoke in their vicinity, and to think she banned smoking even in church like we lit up during mass.


Uaridi thanks for the visit.
you put it right let them FOCUS!

mama shady said...

hmm, i agree ,its true in Kenya, implementation will be hard if not extremely difficult! and ngilu doesnt seem to learn that there are mob logisticxs to consider. but that doesnt erase the fact that non-smokers have human rights too-especially the right to a 'healthy' lifestyle devoid of smoke, tobacco, and the other fumigants and chemicals in cigarette smoke.ease up, the bill isnt asking you to stop smoking just that other peeps dont want to be doing it with you.

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