Wednesday, July 19, 2006


waking up to the fact that am blankly labelled a stalker by of all people one whose past time involves spinning webs from his rear as he watches some re-runs of kisulisuli and Tausi,never thought that the day was so much in its third trimester ready to let out whatever it has been lobouring to carry, so early in the morning.
Now my attention has been brought to the fact that I caused some serious trouble at work between the directors. This place is so near bursting right now cant wait for day to end.
spare a brother some thought.


Spidey/Tato said...

u havent seen wicked yet just u wait...ha ha ha ha evil laugh inserted here

Sandman said...

DP be warned - nick doesn't pull any, I have 1 word for you, Doom.

In other news you've been tagged.