Yeah good people the new year is here and all the resolutions have been made and I know 90% of them broken or carried forward to next year. Me I make no resolutions as I have made so many and kind of broken them all so for me they are no more resolutions apart from trying and breaking the ones that have not been done away with arleady.
The year have started well for me and for that its a big up to God and his angels, Apart from the usual office headaches things are looking up and as usual money is in short supply I think i should make one resolution and start a piggy bank to cater for christmas spending as this is one area that I suck I have tried loosing my ATM but it finds its way back in my hands and at the most tempting of moments at that it seems like its a consiparcy to make me suffer in january, but I am pulling through.
One thing that I have decided to do is update this space at least once everyday and I intend to keep that among my priorities. Check back later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!